Surgical Services

Our surgical suite is fully equipped to meet the needs of our patients, whether routine spay and neutering procedures or more critical abdominal and orthopedic surgeries. We use the safest anesthetic medications available, and carefully monitor our patients with pulse oximetry and cardiac monitoring, which allows us to closely watch our patients heart rate and blood oxygen levels.

  • Laser Surgery

    Maple Springs Veterinary Hospital is also proud to perform surgical procedures with our Acuvet CO2 Surgical Laser. Why use laser surgery for pets? First and foremost, the laser significantly decreases…

  • Spaying

    Spaying your pet has many benefits. The procedure, which prevents female animals from becoming pregnant and reproducing, can help your dog or cat live a longer, healthier life. Spaying will…

  • Neutering

    Neutering your pet has many benefits. The procedure, which prevents male animals from reproducing, can help your dog or cat live a longer, healthier life. Neutering will not change your…

  • Soft Tissue Surgery

    We perform many types of soft tissue surgeries at our clinic. Soft tissue surgeries are those that are not associated with bone. These surgeries can provide many benefits to pets.…

  • Orthopedic Surgery

    For specialized orthopedic surgeries we are very fortunate to have available to us Dr. Marilyn Kostalich, a board-certified surgeon who is extensively trained and experienced. Dr. Kostalich performs many complex…